recipe of the month

an  italian bread and cheese baked delight

this recipe is the highlight of the Shavuot meal at my wife's family and a personal obsession of mine 
.A Shavuot meal without it is unthinkable

:you will need  

2 baguettes - sliced into 5 cm. segments
about a liter of milk
500 ml. heavy cream
150 gr. grated parmesan
150 gr. grated kashkaval
30 cherry tomatoes - sliced
30 basil leaves
2 eggs
salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil

oil a large baking dish.
combine milk and cream in a deep bowl and soak the baguettes in batches in the liquid. you should have about a cup left.
line the baking dish with half of baguettes, than with half of the sliced tomatoes, half of the basil and half of the cheeses.
repeat for a second layer.
beat the eggs with the remaining cup of liquid and pour evenly on top. drizzle with olive oil. 
seal with cling film and refrigerate overnight.
bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes until brown but still moist.
lose your senses...

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